Sunday, July 26, 2009


RibogeniX is a RNA genomics company dedicated to the study of human sequence variants that regulate gene expression at the RNA level. Its mission is to apply this knowledge to the diagnosis and treatment of human disease.
In the very near future, a large number of human genomes will be sequenced and many new sequence variants will be found. The immediate question will be: are such sequence variants harmless or indicative of disease? We predict that many of these variants will be found in noncoding segments that regulate gene expression. The effects of these variants will therefore be difficult to evaluate and will depend on environmental conditions.
Our platform technology is the ability to discern and functionally test aberrant RNA: RNA interactions caused by sequence variants. We will focus on genes that are of immediate relevance to human disease. Soon, we will launch a service that will provide information on disease risks associated with common human sequence variants in the BRCA1 gene.

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